COVID-19 Policies & Procedures
Here you will find information about our COVID-19 policy, information for patients and their loved ones, and details about our COVID-19 procedures.

Before Your Appointment
A survey will be part of your online booking and will also be emailed to you 2 hours before your appointment time. These questions are part of a mandatory active screening for patients. This survey MUST be completed before entry to the clinic is permitted.
If you answer “yes” to one or more of the screening questions, you will not be permitted into the clinic and your appointment will be rescheduled. We require ALL clients and patients to bring and correctly wear a face mask in our clinic space – this includes during treatment. They can either be cloth or disposable. A staff member may take your temperature using a contact-less thermometer.

During Your Time in the Clinic
A face mask MUST be worn at all times while in the clinic space – this includes during treatment. Masks will be kept on by all healthcare practitioners and talking will be kept at a minimum. Hands must be sanitized upon entering and exiting the clinic. At this time, there is one washroom for staff use and one washroom for patient use.
We ask that patients arrive alone to their appointments – meaning no accompanying guests or children will be permitted within the clinic. We cannot accommodate more than the permitted number of persons based on social distancing protocol in our waiting area at a time. That being said, we ask you not to arrive more than 5 minutes before your appointment.
All receipts will be emailed. Please verify that we have the correct email on file.