Durand Integrated Health Group

Durand Health Corner

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene


Sleep Hygiene – What Is It and Why Is It Important? The term “sleep hygiene” refers to a routine of healthy sleep habits that can improve your overall ability to fall and stay asleep. A person’s sleep hygiene can be affected by various factors. A few examples are anxiety, insomnia, travel, stress, pain and [...]

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene2022-06-23T20:18:59+00:00

Tension Headaches & Chiropractic Services


Tension Headaches & Chiropractic Services There are many different types of headaches – all with their own unique signs and symptoms. The most common type of headache is called a tension headache. The cause of tension headaches is not well known but is widely believed to be related to muscle tension, stress, and genetics. [...]

Tension Headaches & Chiropractic Services2022-06-24T14:09:33+00:00

Myofascial Self Massage


Myofascial Self-Massage Have you ever seen or heard of a person using a ball or a foam roller to help with muscle pain and wondered what exactly they were doing? Well, let's dive in to understand the benefits of self-massage utilizing a lacrosse or tennis ball and identify which one would work best for [...]

Myofascial Self Massage2022-06-24T14:08:55+00:00

Why Am I Experiencing More Low Back Pain Than Usual?


Why Am I Experiencing More Low Back Pain Than Usual?Did you know that low back pain is one of the most common chronic conditions in Canadians? 4 out of 5 Canadians will experience back pain at some point in their life1! As if we didn’t have enough back pain already, a recent study showed that [...]

Why Am I Experiencing More Low Back Pain Than Usual?2022-07-25T18:26:27+00:00

Music & Our Health


What Is the Link Between Music & Our Health? Most of us can probably name at least one song that holds significant emotional meaning - whether it be your wedding song, the song played at your loved one’s funeral, or that one song that reminds you of someone you love. Music has the ability [...]

Music & Our Health2022-06-24T14:11:20+00:00

Hamilton Trails


Why You Should Visit the Hamilton Trails As the weather begins to warm up, it is important to get out of the house and into your community! Here at Durand Integrated Health Group, we encourage you to get active this summer by using some of Hamilton’s beautiful trails. There are many walking, hiking, and [...]

Hamilton Trails2022-06-24T14:11:49+00:00
  • self-compassion



What is Self-Compassion? Put simply, self-compassion can be seen as a component of self-care and refers to being kind and gentle towards yourself. It can be a powerful tool to use especially during times of immense stress and pressure. Whether it’s by taking a break or by attending counselling sessions with a licensed therapist, [...]

  • Two cartoon people talking through a computer screen

Is Virtual Therapy Right for You?


Virtual Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic many people are struggling with their mental health. For people considering therapy, or counselling they may not be aware that they can get help virtually from the expert staff at Durand Integrated Health Group. Virtual therapy means you can meet with your therapist by video over the computer [...]

Is Virtual Therapy Right for You?2022-06-24T14:12:50+00:00
  • Counselling Blog

First Time Getting Help?


Are You Thinking About Getting Help for your Mental Health? This article and its contents are not meant to replace crisis intervention for individuals who are experiencing an immediate mental health crisis and/or suicidal thoughts. If you’re thinking about starting therapy, you’re not alone! Especially since the beginning of the pandemic, more and more [...]

First Time Getting Help?2022-06-24T14:13:10+00:00
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